THINK is part of All About Promo - New Zealand's only carboNZero certified promotion and uniform company.
CarboNZero is an ISO accredited certification - ISO 14064-1.
This is an international environmental certification that is managed and audited every year by Enviromark Solutions. Toitu Envirocare is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research, a Government-owned Crown Research Institute.
THINK and All About Promo provide CarboNZero certified services, not products.
Our business model is to source suitable products to meet client briefs, brand them and distribute. We source specifically for each order and generally don't carry stock.
As part of our CarboNZero commitments, we MEASURE, MANAGE and MITIGATE our carbon footprint with regards to the distribution service we provide. Our largest impact is FREIGHT - from our suppliers to our branders to our customers.
Our business waste, electricity, transport and travel is also measured.
Each year, we plan on how we are going to reduce our footprint over the following year.
For the previous year, our impact is independently audited and we pay for carbon offsets at a NZ native bush block.
Annual carbon planning and auditing keeps our impact front of mind and we endeavour to find ways day-to-day to improve.
For our clients - they can rest a little easier knowing that the SERVICES for the products they are sourcing are being offset with new trees being planted.
THINK encourages purchasers to consider their impact when deciding on which branded products to buy and endeavour to purchase relevant, long lasting, useful, biodegradable items which is a win all round!